Dear...??? By: Candice and Brandon
I listen...
I wait....
Not wanting to hear what you have to say
Not wanting to comment on the negativity that spews from your mouth like vomit.
The things you speak of are wretched.
And the tone you take is ignorant.
My affiliation with you was not by choice.
By choice I would banish your existence from my life.
Stain my walls with the blood of your suicide.
Watch me as I chuckle with unadulterated pleasure.
Do not say you are sorry.
Speak nothing at all.
Give me the satisfaction of hearing your final breaths tainted by the gurgling of blood
filling your lungs.
I want to dismember you the way you have done my heart.
I want to follow you to hell to watch you perish.
Why do I love you so much?...