Dear Diane 3
If you told me 6 months ago I'll breath
just fine without you I laugh and proclaim
you kidding
My eyes are as dry as the desert my heart
learnt hardly to partially live without you
Before time passed by the urge of seeing
you was an obvious obsession that string
along depression as it deprived the
privilege of primary thoughts
My world began with you even before me
I saw no life after you
I write again my final note to notice the ticks
that are fleshing through my crusty throat
Dear Diane
Your meaning has its own significant of the
enchanted visions of the fairest whardlock
You brought belonging to my lonely soul
I don't seek to find faults
Even if we lost the costed land that we
both built with our bare bodies
Our world were both upside-down even the
specular couldn't flip us both at the same
Our laughter were based on the imbalanced
hypocrisy of the hypnotic gift of dark humor
swallowed down to keep it hidden while it
swollen slowly to glow and show off!!
We covered our scarce with scarlet
bracelets that were so tied that they even
left a marker of hurt and pain
Through it all it was beautiful and messy
With these scarce I vowel to forever keep the
memory loading vividly to fall down the
envious cute vines of our commune unity
As much as we live to feel individually
separation was never the cause it was the
aches that couldn't handle the wounds
My final note to you Diane
You are my dearly beloved, my heal route,
my strength of weakness, my ears to ease,
my attention audient that applauded for my
sanity although it became unstable and
Dear Diane
I promised not to let go but I just couldn't
hold on no more
If our paths would cross and tangle again
this time it will be for better or worse
Ashleigh Ngoqo