Dear Diary, This Hurts Worse Then God
In this very hour when time feels still faint
My heart pours out such a resistant tuning, a dullness so vague
Hiding behind a potential breaking point not welcomed
Staring at this eletronic machine where feelings trident inside me
"forget about me, I can't handle it anymore"
Why should this single friendship drown away in anger, in lost hope?
On the recieving end of missing this piece of hers, left and disgarded
Such beauty shined between the two of us in a comforting way
A comprehension between two friends that was assumed would never be bled
Never to let go and to never vanish the sight
But in the end of such decisions, only one single option still stood in the dust of
Never but the other gave the shot of the gun, to take and release
You meaned more then what god gave me for a life, the best of any friendship in the world
A difficult transition between event to daily event, with you not being on the end to care
I'll try to care better, to move on from this empty space
A unfair reality without your smile for miles.
I'll never forget the reason why I cherished you
and the reasons behind every bit of a smile I presented back to you.
Trickle in rain my eyes will do but in acceptance this hurts worse then god.