Love Poem: Dear Father Yah
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Written by: Lamarcus Walton

Dear Father Yah

Dear Father YAH,

It's me again, your child, the sinner.
The love of my life is no longer around again.
When that love was present, oh how did I feel like a winner!
Now, it's back to the old drawing board again.

So vividly, I recall you saying, let your heart not be troubled.
I remember mentioning to my love, "You are the only one who can trouble my heart".
Now it is as, my mind easily becomes doubled.
I know this way ought not to be, but now, why is it so difficult to uphold my part.

I'm really feeling as one struggling with wretchedness.
I need to refocus; I need YOUR Help to remain set-apart.
ALAHYM, send YOUR Presence upon me that I may catch it.
For there is nothing else within this universe that will set still my heart...

Dear Father YAH.