Love Poem: Dear Heart
Regina Mcintosh Avatar
Written by: Regina Mcintosh

Dear Heart

Where are you when the darkness closes in?
Where are you when doubts destroy my dreams?
Where are  you when my faith has vanished, 
When the hopes have failed me and the past
Seems like an echo of all the reasons I shouldn’t 
Have listened to your whispering – because 
Your wisdom doesn’t seem wise at all – 
Your insight seems like it’s lost its judgement
And your perception has colored my confidence
In hues of uncertainty, distrust and disillusionment

Where are you when I really need a friend?
When I need someone honest, tender and real?
When there is no where else to turn – and 
The feelings make me tremble with fear, 
Drown in my own tears, lack the reasoning 
To know what it is that really brings me peace?
Where are you when I feel so alone – so in need?

Listen, dear heart…
To my silent thoughts, the sigh
That so often hurts, the smile
That is really filled with questions
The longing that is filled with desperation

Listen, dear heart…
To all the memories, faded prayers
The reasons that I know I’m to blame
For the melancholy and the dread,
The fiascos and the let downs,
All the reasons that I have for turning
A deaf ear to you, the voice 
Who gives my heart a reason, a cause

The sense…
To listen to the faith, the hope
The wonder and the grace
The feeling that I know is love
Beckoning me away from the pain,
Silencing the darkest days with
The light that never fades, the light
That comes from the heart…

Who believes, without a doubt…
In the love that never fades out!

DEAR HEART Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Mystic Rose Rose
January 29, 2023