Dear Manuel
We were so close
You were always there for me
I feared nothing
When you were near
When I was little, I would fall asleep
Safe in your arms
We would joke and laugh
Til we were blue in the face
We always had so much fun
You were always so giving
Especially with your love
I could always come to you
With any problems that I had
No matter how big
No matter how small
I could never have imagined
My life without you
When you got sick
You were never afraid
You always stayed positive
And never cried a tear
'Dont worry about me' you once said
'Worry about the ones that I shall leave behind'
I didn't go to your funeral
Funerals are for people to say good-bye
And remember great times
I already said my good-byes when you were still alive
And I dont have to remember because I will never forget
I still can't believe that you are gone
I keep thinking that I can just pick up the phone
And I would hear your voice on the other end
I will miss christmas the most
When your visits were long
We would laugh and reminisce
Of all the crazy things our family has done
You were a great person
That I was truly privelaged to know
And even more privelaged to call you my Uncle
I love you, My Dear Uncle Manuel
The memories I have of you,
Not even cancer can take away. . . .