Dear Mother
Dear mother...Oh how my heart still aches;
I can't help but to think about all my mistakes.
Dear mother...Please forgive me as I forgive you;
Physically and emotionally you know what I've been through.
Dear mother...I'm aware I've not been the perfect son;
But I've said a prayer to be forgiven of all the things I've done.
Dear mother...You know I didn't commit that crime;
If given a chance I ponder if I would go back in time.
Dear mother...I wonder why you were so quick to give up on me;
Was i such a liability?
Dear mother...No more focusing on the past. That won't change a thing;
I grew up too fast thinking I was grandma's offspring.
Dear mother...Everyday I wait for a letter or two;
You've gone M.I. A. and it's been eight years since I've seen you!
Dear mother...Life is just far too short
I wonder where you are because I need your support.
Dear mother...It's not too late to get to know me;
I've come to appreciate family.
Dear mother...I hope this poem tugs at your heart and opens your eyes to see;
How your absence is tearing me apart and it's effecting me.
Dear mother...I appreciate your value no matter what we've gone through,
I love you and I'll always be here for you!!