Dear My Sweetheart,
Sweet as your gentle kisses were I cannot recall,
For now my sweet, keep naught white but my pall,
Listen not to my ghost who haunts men’s eyes,
But whisper to me now, whisper your goodbyes.
I have nothing more to give but my holder,
Do not keep our flame alight, please let it smoulder,
We can be no longer, just you and only you,
It is fair and denying that, would be untrue.
Never wonder, never dream of being bound again,
My mind has gone, for I am bane,
I wish it were different but my sweet,
I dare say never once more shall we meet.
I hold to you my candle, it's flame is weak,
Let it keep alight, let naught drop nor leak,
Understand my wishes, and put your heart at rest,
I love deeply, let me end my quest.