Love Poem: Dear Reader
Juliet Ligon Avatar
Written by: Juliet Ligon

Dear Reader

"Dear John," you were wrong, "everything has changed."
"Bad blood" flows like "midnight rain" through your veins.

"The story of us" is thrust into "exile,"
a cheap re-gift "tied together with a smile."

"A picture to burn" and torn "paper rings..."
You know "this is why we can't have nice things."

"All you had to do was stay" faithful, Dear.
Don't tell me you've changed, and "Come back... be here."

"Would've, should've, could've..." I've heard before.
Go explore--- "the other side of the door!"

The story closes with a "back to December" scene,
as "cold as you," "treacherous," and "mean."

There's "snow on the beach." "The lakes" are frozen.
"Two beautiful ghosts..." (A cold chill blows in.)

"Tears on my guitar" strummed "a letter."
"My tears ricochet" as your face gets wetter.

"Dear Reader," I've forgotten your name...
("as if we were strangers.") Oh, what a shame.

Everything in quotes is a Taylor Swift song title.