Dear Sister
Dear Sister,
On this day,
in a world that doesn't love us,
Doesn't appreciate us,
But always seems to need us,
To pick up the slack,
To carry their burdens,
on our already burdened backs,
To be a team player,
On a team that had to be
forced to pick us...
Dear Sister,
I just want you to know
That I choose YOU,
First, last, and always...
Without coercion,
And with the only expectation,
being the uniqueness
of YOUR presence,
And the presence
of YOUR greatness.
Dear Sister,
With baited breath,
I await the culmination
of your every effort....
the fruition of every one of your
most far fetched dreams...
I am practicing my claps!
I am practicing my cheers!
I will celebrate your victory,
as if it were my own, Dear Sister!
Because, Dear Sister....
I will always want you to win.