Dearest Poet-Poets
Is it too much to ask I love you from afar?
(Never mind if you're woman or man,)
Just consider my soul's been light years in a jar,
And you'll know that I do what I can.
Yes, this message was sent long before you were born,
For your birth, my soul's trip, I trust fate,
Though your numbers are legion, all poetry's torn
From a vision of God on a date!
Can you hear my soul buzzing, see Firefly intent?
God and I’ve chosen you as our bride!
Seems not all freewill marriages make one content
If you’re still having doubts, try a ride!
It’s no problem for me, your verse leaving me “free:”
(I remain fond of rhythm and rhyme,)
Though there’s freedom in discipline, love you can’t see,
“Cornerstones” that can last for all time.
It's hilarious, I think, some say God is dead,
He and I laugh at this all the time,
Haven’t you heard it said, His best buds call him Fred,
And just take it from me HE LOVES RHYME!”
All of this is just postscript to saying I LOVE
YOU, did you even read title line?
By the way let me say, must I slap you with glove?
In my heart and in God’s, YOU ARE FINE!
Long Tooth
February 26, 2017