Death, Even For a One Eyed King
Emotions are the ropes that hand from tree branches
Blowing in the breeze like Spanish Moss
And from these emotions love is knotted
A nose that suffocates us
While ill feet dangle with gravity toe distends in reach
Yet it is we who allow are selves to dangle
One would thinks o freely
When in reality we kill are selves for what we think beautifully
Perhaps it is best to love from a fare
As long as their worth loving
Dose it mater if they know at all
Why must we string up loves ropes
When we know it will be the death of us
Perhaps love is more a blind mans world
To see beauty in ugly things
You must overcome death the ropes bring
Yet love it seems lives to trick us all
Death in life’s clothing
But a one eyes man is king in a blinds man world
Some of us care knives
Cut lose the ropes that strangle us
Left one eye to see for all
A laugh in the face of love
But love you see is a vengeful *****
Can’t stand to not have the last laugh
So for ever on are toes
We dance around love
Leaving the club before were swept away in the mosh pit
Yet love is a shadow we can never seem to stray away from
It calls to us like fear in the dark
Tempting are hearts with visions of those we once loved
So it seems weather we suffocate now or later in are dreams
Love is death
Even for a one eyed king