Death Becomes Beauty Within Me
I see my life through
The generations ahead
Some growing old
Some already dead
My mother and I are twins
But years separate certain features
I remain a learner
She remains the teacher
My Grandma is seventy-ish
Yet looks very old
Her health is poor
But her love is bold
Great Auntie "G"
Open heart surgery for her
At ninety one years old
Her spirit is her cure
Great Aunt Loretta
Sits pretty at eighty seven
There's nothing to stop her
She not ready for heaven
Auntie Pam
A true blonde to the core
Has done everything possible
Yet, she always finds more
Aunt Valerie
Basks in the tormenting sun
She is starting to show some gray now
Aging has begun
Aunt Margie
With her beautiful brown hair
Will live with us soon
So we all may care...
For the generations that have cared for us.
Our women live long
We protect our men
God will take us in time
We prey for love until then.
We fear not dying
Just who we leave behind
Knowing we've done all we could
Being forever gracious and kind.