Death of a Friend's Wife
I knew her as you'd know the sun-
If never you'd seen it blaze above
But you had seen the moon in phase
shimmer and seek that sun's proud gaze.
And on a sweet hot summer night
When low and laden it comes in sight
Holding forth and honey swirled
The horizon crossed, it makes the world.
Then through that moon, you'd know that sun
And you'd love the other, if you loved the one.
Planets also need their sun
Some scurry close, the dark undone
Still others scattered - a creator's wiles?
They meter out the milky miles.
Far from home, in darkness wrapt
But onwards, onwards attend the task!
From across the distance a gentle tug
Is gravity a kind of hug?
It leads them on, a course defined
No witness to their great unwind.
In someday's someday, the bravework done
Let them fall into that loving sun.