Deceitful Feelings
I can hear you calling
Calling for someone
Calling for me
I can’t see you
Through the thick fog
That is my love for you
I can only hear you
I’m so close I can almost taste you
You’re only a few steps away
I know it
I reach for you
Are you reaching for me?
Reach for my hand
And grab on tight
Don’t let go
You pull me towards you
Envelop me in your arms
I feel your heartbeat
I feel your warmth
I look up into your face
Into your eyes
You look down
A smile on your face
Your eyes meet mine
Your smile fades
They are no longer bright and longing
But filled with confusion and hurt
Confused because I’m not the person
You thought I was
Hurt because you know
Of the hurt you are causing me
I start to back away
Realizing the mistake we have both made
The smoke has cleared
I see it so clearly now
You say you’re sorry
But you are only sorry for you
Not for me
I’m sorry for you
For the love I had for you
The love that you just threw back
It seems so unfair
You throw me
Heart, soul, and body
To the sharks below
Yet I would have thrown myself
In order to save you