Decrypting the Code
“Not only is the Universe stranger than we think, it is stranger than we can think.”
- Werner Heisenberg
Here, within this lucid dream, we call life
Stuporous is light of our awareness
We wish to be joy rife but thrive on strife
History shows no shift in consciousness
Both evil and good co-exist on earth
Our head and heart too, feel separateness
Beginning with ourself, to reclaim mirth
We keep thought flow slow, entering silence
Our heart expands, beyond feeble form’s girth
Distilled calm reveals essence of presence
Being but our soul, in heart all aglow
We reclaim thus our self’s luminescence
Our free will chooses to meld with love’s flow
Love employs no force, so it’s up to us
There remain no seeds of desire to sow
Poised in the void, earth life does not nonplus
We stand erect, aligned with love and light
Going where God takes us, without a fuss
Time’s now to awaken spherical sight
As bliss cascades within, through day and night