Dedicated To Family (Inner Thoughts)
It is common of me
to burn my loved ones,
with the flames of my
own emotional resistance,
For to succumb, would eradicate
the persona of my creation,
Thus, eliminating the very core
of my introverted individualism,
As each is devoted to guiding
me toward a greater destiny,
Opening the doors of their essence,
asking "Where to little boy?"
My answer is " To the beloved
serenity that lies only between
a writer and the words that become
powerful statements he cannot say"
As old wounds become reopened
by the painful blade of silence,
I commend them on comprehending
the truth of the delicate situation,
For not one unreturned embrace
is meant to be a personal insult,
Instead, each is a self-sheltered boy
whose compassion hides within ink,
Therefore, I plead for the strength
to love them, by learning to love me,
For my affection of self, is stalled,
by a lack of knowledge of who I am,
Causing confusion in every thought
which weighs on my being,
Imprisoned in the bitter sweetness
of being loved, and being lost,
With convoluted thoughts within me,
I shall write tonight in a place of tranquility,
In hopes of clearing a mind broken asunder,
by the paralyzing silence of an arduous lifestyle
Which I will equate with the last walk home
after the harrowing survival of an odyssey,
And slowly stumble my way back to humanity
With the intent on finding, the boy they knew,
the man I once longed to become,
and the lost person, slowly slipping away,
into the strange depths, of complete isolation