Dedicated To Soildier Girl -N- Ft.Hud {the Bus Ride}
It was that of a ride.
That of a lady by the side to which caught the eye.
That of her toes that was red to the color.
As she was the most beautiful on the ride.
Her hair long and wavy as her smile lights the room.
Her body was that of an young vulpine as I experience it first hand.
As we sat and I rubbed her feet for hours on end.
That time went by like the year that passes.
Passing like that of the seasons as my mind wonders.
Wondering what it would be like to hold her tight.
It wasn't that we weren't close but there was distance in between.
As I felt my heart melting from a distance.
I know some how we connected but not knowing?
Knowing, rather we would see each other again.
I dream of the day at hand.
As I think of if, I could just pull her close.
How I would never want to let go.
But it was more then just that.
It was the love two had shared with the twingle of an eye.
But it was more then any could replace.
Because it was done from a love deep inside.