Love Poem: Dedicated To You
Katie Thompson Avatar
Written by: Katie Thompson

Dedicated To You

Silver grey skies
Lay overhead
Not meaning rain
But no sun either.
Green grasses stay
Below our feet,
Laying an easy path 
Before us.

It is a day like all
Other days,
With birds chirping 
And our laughter
In our ears.

A simple smile,
A slight happiness,
I know its all okay,
Under these silver grey skies
On an ordinary day
Its all okay.

Nothing to fear
Not a thought to think about
That’s the way I like my days
Just you and me
Screaming for no reason,
This is the way life should be.

Let there be no thought for morrows,
Or of hopes, death, 
Or my sorrows
Let it be
Let it be
Like this
With Silver grey skies
Swirling calmly ahead.

The rain begins to fall 
Tiny droplets fall on my face
Cascading down my neck and shoulders
Cool, refreshing
‘Heaven on Earth.’ you whisper
and I silently agree
as we run
something unknown
as we run
towards the heaven
that only we know
The rain, the sky,
You and I, 
Its simple really, this happiness 
That we have made,
Nothing to it.
Nothing to it.
We are as we are
Flying high
Running fast
Below this sky
And that’s it. 
It’s simple
It’s nothing
It’s everything I want.