Dedication To Molly
Your beauty surpasts any other living being.
It shocks me cause this is the first time my eyes have seen.
A beauty with a personality i can love.
Your aura to me shines brighter then the stars above.
Your artistic ways attract me.
It makes me lust to achieve more then i can be.
So draw me a picture of us together.
One that makes me believe we can live forever.
I will look upon it and smile a smile that has never once crossed my face.
A smile so strong my heart starts to race.
This love, so strong.
How can it possibly go wrong?
So I sit here writing about you.
Something ive always loved to do.
But I cant decide,
what could we possibly hide,
about this relationship, our love.
Let's scream to the world,
Tell it how we feel,
Tell it how much we know this love is real.
It's more real to us then anything in our lives.
Our bond is like metal it breaks the knives.
The knives are the people that try to break us apart.
Our love surpasts any of their charts.
Now i sit here rambling on.
But i cant possibly stop cause my love so strong.
But now I will go.
It is the end of this show.
But then again its just a page.
A page of emotions that I have only begun to stage.
My love will go on for years, months, and days.
It will never end,
Molly I love you this love is to strong,
dont worry it will never contort or bend.