Love Poem: Dedications Part Two
Ria April Avalon Avatar
Written by: Ria April Avalon

Dedications Part Two

My love and your tempting indifference
Were parallel roads, however, 
They crossed once in two different places.
I get it. It doesn't make sense.
Two roads - two fatal collisions: 
Both times you survived and I fainted.
This road would bring me to nowhere, 
Just like this forgotten romance.

My love was a one-way road, 
It was only a matter of time: 
Black and white days and sleepless nights, 
Multiplied by my pain and pride
And divided to those strong drinks
Washing tears and thoughts away.
But I counted this all wrong, 
Now I'm paying for my mistakes.
It was morning without the dawn, 
It was grief with no sign, or a song
With no music, no verses, no end, 
But my voice was too loud and strong.

I'm not a moment - I'm a muse.
I'm life itself - you're its reflection.
But you're too blind to see the truth
Through ghostly rays of your perfection.
I'm not a slave of destiny -
I am above, I'm its creator.
I've always been a mystery, 
And you're nothing more than haters.