Deep In Our Hearts
Deep in Our Hearts
Deep in our hearts, there’s a never-ending desire,
That seeks to filleth our souls now precious pure.
This desire brings our fiery passions to conspire,
As our emotions and heartbeats merge now one.
Our love shineth now ever-bright in Heaven’s light,
As God’s angels sing paeans to our passions’ delight.
The true love we mortals find is by God’s very design,
As we seek its meaning in the deep pool of our souls.
The enchanted beauty of this true love we have as two,
Brings our hearts to the moment when they beat as one.
This true love transcends the mortal limits of this Earth,
Whilst gently coaxing our souls to their heavenly destiny.
Deep in our hearts, our souls make this final sacred journey,
As angels accompany us into Almighty God’s eternal light.
Gary Bateman, Copyright © All Rights Reserved
August 1, 2017 (Couplet)