Love Poem: Deep Learning
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Deep Learning

Health issues and ecopolitical promise speak in dialectal fractals:
1. Notice hope
2. Understand positive faith
3. Believe with diastatic love regeneration
4. Polypath creolic integration is also notnot decomposing release,
wu wei double-binding midway image
Tipping Point discernment
toward further revolutionary adventures.

This full open-systemic octave
resonates 1-4 egocentric
with 1-4 EarthTribe's MatriarchalPatriarchal BiCameral Golden Rule.
What starts Ego
ends deep in EcoPointing polypathic Earth.

Matriarchal/Patriarchal creolization
herein defined
as LeftBrain languaged ecopolitical dominance
with RightBrain nonverbal inductive-unitive-cooperative
ecological resonance.

We are in a sad Either/Or competing 
ego v eco dis-centric
Yang v Yin anti-logical 
LeftBrain dominant state.

But also bicamerally capable
of polypathic states 
of LeftPatriarchal-RightMatriarchal grace.

Laotse's content of governing information
and contentment of peaceful feeling
are nondual YangLeft/YinRight trust within Tao-God/GoddessEarth.

Governing authority ends
where responsibility begins
for polypathically using our LeftBrain 
Yang universal-digital-binomial information health/pathology trends
and our RightBrain Yin co-empathic cooperative ecological balance,
together as eco-analogical revolutionary resonance.

The Physician (Luke 12:48)
From every humane emerging person
to whom much has been LeftBrain given,
much more will be RightBrain co-empathically 
cooperatively asked,
regeneratively expected trust,
polypathically invited faith.

building out from Dale B Martin's epistemology of trust in faith:
"Our goal is to rest in the knowledge that we cannot now know fully
[polypathically, with full resonance]
but to determine that we will [deep learn] exercise
our brief and partial [LeftBrain languaged] knowledge
as [RightBrain faithfully] ethically
and [bilateral] lovingly as we can." 
(Biblical Truths, p. 70)

is the ultimate guide in creolizing polypathic epistemology.

Everything works both Yang-regenerative/Yin-degenerative ways.

All observation is ecologically co-relational (egoLeft-ecoRight).

Deductive top-down thinking fractals
culminate in bottom-up inductive
multiculturing cooperative action fractals 
toward revolutionary diastatic Beloved Community ReDevelopment.

The landscape is our textbook
and climate outcomes are our scripture.

Decomposing failure is useful
so long as we learn polypathic cooperation
along our shared way.

Elegant solutions are simple,
even LeftBrain ego-isolated invisible
transparently bilateral.

Make the smallest cooperative intervention necessary
and available right now
where we too competitively reside.

Avoid too much of a good Win/Lose uber-supremacist overpowering thing.

The isolated egocentric problem
is the notnot double-binding nutritional-healthy resolution, 
Earth and Ego eco-resonant balance.

Recognize and break out of Either/Or LeftBrain dominant cul-de-sacs
by noticing invitations toward Both/And LeftRight reiterative boulevards.

Ecological bilateral root systems
direct and organize natural-spiritual redistributional economies
of nutritional/toxic goods/bads,
preferring cooperative saturation values
and polypathic binomial-bilateral-bicameral  
ego/eco collateral nurturing design powers.

The essential ecopolitical dynamics
of both Bodhisattva and Messiah narratives
are pay cooperative love forward
for polypathic ego/eco-redemption
of Earth-noticing
as Other-understanding
Self-Regenerational Loving
as Polypathic Revolutionary Reweaving,
inviting graced karmic egos
to multiculturally cooperate
full-resonant again.