Love Poem: Deep Ocean Bubble People
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Written by: B.J. Fitz

Deep Ocean Bubble People

Deep below the ocean's surface volcanic vents do spew,
Fumes of pressurized oxygen with their bubbly molten brew.

Down where the water's pressure is denser than that of air,
The lava's effervescent bubbles form an atmospheric lair. 

There lives within these domes of air a group of simple people,
Who've built a social structure, igneous edifices and coral steeples.

As mammals, they share the very brain within our own dense heads,
But they've learned to use it in ways we've never dreamt of nor read. 

Here above the surface we use our bodies to produce economy,
Blinded by bills and schemes of capital with very little autonomy. 

Unbound by bonds of profit and wealth, the people who dwell below in the bubbles,
Can feel and read each others' thoughts, keeping them in love and out of trouble. 

To eat, they can summon and stun the fish that swim outside their atmosphere,
With a simple thought which emits a pulsing wave which their minds can hear.

Beyond meeting their needs for sustenance and nutrients,
They spend their remaining time playing with their compatriots. 

The games they play are aimed to grow their minds that give them health,
And laugh with friends, for humor and happiness are what they consider wealth. 

They have one law: the Golden Rule, which is to love all with pure imprudence, 
Which is neither governed by politics nor policed by the failure of jurisprudence.

Unlike the surface dwellers above that they have become psychically aware of,
They have no distant sun to worship but volcanic light that they've grown to love.

For they make no assumptions of origins and live to learn not claim, 
Reasons for light to embolden the masses with fear when darkness came.

One day these people wholeheartedly hope that their bubbles will rise to meet,
The people above who live in duplicitous splendor rather than in simplicity of unity.