Deep Wealth
He spoke with his ego-systemic body
through his own eco-logical maturation.
She flowed bilateral time
with her ego-eco centering mind
incarnating Earth's humane regenerate economy.
Together they commune nature-spirit hybrids,
bicamerally creolic
co-redeeming care-giving spirits,
completing each holonic tridium of becoming
one within spacetime's ecological promise,
three-placed co-present economy
of trilateral political grace,
playing enculturing WinWin games
ego-eco creations of just right mentoring integrity
strategizing cooperative economic-logical health,
this Holy Trinity's supply and demand
for resonant triaged wealth.
He asked of this grey spirit,
Are we white or black,
male or female?
She responds in gray embodied script
Yes, both white and black,
patriarchs born of bodhisattva matriarchs,
yet not mature all white
and yet not mature all black,
and in-between our ecologic-economic natures meet
enspiriting cooperations
of integrity
with all trinitarian stories past enfolded
and all those yet wu wei unfolding
within Earth's potential bounty.
Each languaged life,
both embodied left and mindful right relational
internal political landscapes
dawning through Earth's renewal
of and for external climate health of bodymind
organic integration networks,
integrity of love's polyphonic wealth.
And so this marriage
of ego-capital,
wisdom's logical acquisition
and accumulating
and re-investing body,
with eco-normative mind
regenerates nature-spirit nondual wedded stories
co-arising through each reweaving
incarnate Promise Day.