Love Poem: Deepest Heights

Deepest Heights

Deepest Heights

Weaving mountains together spinning intricate threads
moving slowly through the mosaic fabric of innocent time
the mantra enlightens self fulfilling intimate prophesies
	~ Sacred texts waning waxing swelling ~

Delirious pleasure calligraphed onto skins curvaceously inked
loving crescent words ancient utterances living the dream
the lovers drink from a well of readings writings prosaic embrace
	~ Blushing crescendos teasing pleasing positioning ~

Samsara imbibing union transcending for another moment
anticipating postponing awaiting in the future here and now 
the flute shivers to recipient tunes of castanet flow and tempo
	~ Fiery symphonies trusting thrusting combusting ~


All is one and one is everything as we breeze together breathe beget 
bewildered beginnings kindle unfinished endings start the circle once again

								‘Ka(r)ma Sutra
To Being