Love Poem: Defected Heart
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Written by: John Castro

Defected Heart

Hear ye hear ye children of love and adoration.
Simplistic thinkers of lesser complications. 
Spirit singers of your emotions in iniquity.
The soul surfers in your waves of bliss in felicity.
You do the devil's dance and marry with his sins,
but your heart is defected by the hatred left within. 
The arms of the past reach into the present. 
Like the reapers claw around your neck........ "nobles taxing peasants!!!" 
The light can blind your eyes but the darkness is what you see. 
The stagnant stench of truth reveals the only lie to thee. 
Deception of the heart is the denial of realization.
Quick from mind to mouth spawns self-mutilation.
Cardio explosives...internal combustion 
The blood is raging towards complete self- destruction. 
The waves of iniquity come crashing down on thee, 
like the swing of axe on the bark of a tree. :)