Define Love
Define love...
Love does not count, how long you have been together,
It does not count, how sweet as sugar you were,
It does not count, how many gifts you gave and received,
It is countless like stars in the night, like waters in the rivers,
Love is countless, love is endless, Love is invulnerable but susceptible...
Love is when you see him/her beautiful, and his flaws do not matter,
Love is, how you understand everything about him,
Even he himself does not understand his,
Love is forgivable, even how wounded your heart is,
Love is accepting everything... including freeing him...if needed...
Love is an amazing feeling and a great gift from God,
...Should never be ignored, never disrespect but only cherish,
...Because today... only a few offer a true love,
...Because... few only believe and recognize its great existence...
....But how you see and define love?...
.. Well, Love is... how you define your heart.