Love Poem: Deliverer
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Written by: Regina Mcintosh


Quiet dreams stir my prayers,
Will God hear me?
Will He care?

When I ask Him, does He know…
The way I feel, the way I hope?
When I pray, does He feel my pain?
Can He empathize, sympathize? Does He understand?

I must say yes… He has my back.
He sees my sorrow.
He cares when I doubt.
He doesn’t ever leave me.
He’s always with me…
A living promise, music that colors me,
In faded laughter, delicate peace,
Lasting grace – ever after, He will always be…
Living inside, always my guide,
Reminding me I’m alive and I can thrive,
If I only listen to His love, 
Bringing me His gentling peace,
His everlasting grace,
A reason and a way – forever
He is the second chance,
When I feel like I just can’t say,
When I feel like I just can’t pray,
He leads me to the alter,
Where love lifts my heart,
Where He colors me in the blood,
That only He could provide,

The blood, the sacrifice, that gave me…
A new hope, a new life, a newborn life,
Because of Him, the One who came and died,
Yet, three days later, arose to give each of us…
The chance to enter heaven, where we can live,
With Him forever.

He is my Savior. 
He is my friend.
Because of His gift,
I’ll forever be with Him,
Eternally in the light, because of His great sacrifice,
He is forever mine – because He died, yet He is alive,
Preparing a home for the Ones who know Him as Deliverer!