Never knew senses could deceive until now,
seeing a bright I scurry .
Nirvana makes my imagination go mere gesture.
where I lay unaware of raucous voice ,
Is this the locus?
A dear face I recognize,
charming as allure itself .
I believed as we cross paths again,
wonder gets my most reflecting how u did.
My dear, embrace me as first-ever.
Must I realize my sureness taking over,
as my prime fancy fulfills.
Shall we never be alone anew, strangled?
I shall yield to the choice you deem fit.
If you harmonize ,
let's reborn in heartbound household,
let's fly to the moon playing with stellas,
gazing on how it pours on distant barras.
Pretty, fill me with fine,
tipple from my within.
Leave us singing forevermore,
hands clasped vowing never again.
Then dawn on me from coma,
the mumbling voices ne'er fading.
As I realize my stifle ill-fated,
Finds me dolorously endeavoring.
All the faith washes away ,
my precious wait for me a bit longer,
I lost.