Love Poem: Delusions
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Written by: Lyndell Cadasse


The call to the game is so potent
Things I thought were so important
Being able to mack and flow
Just one thought and here I go
Weaving my intricate web
Not just my word but the way it was said
Using my poetic charm
To break down the walls and harm
Her defences, denying the truths in her senses
Even the walls in her mind
Doing my dance
Never missing a beat entranced
Melting the ice in her heart
Divide conquer and part 
Attacking the “No’s”
Throwing away the N’s and the O’s
Keeping the S’s 
Till all she can remember is the “Oh Baby Yes” ’s
Who says two wrongs can’t make a right
My wrong intentions
Using wrong intellectual dimensions
Makes for one right line
My poetically  mind
Able to spin reflection
Hallucinated deceptions
Leaving her poetically helpless…