Love Poem: deserted -

deserted -

step …

across the sill
this haunted house
walls of torn paper, dripping
crumbling plaster ceilings
hanging like rotten vines on this
bony frame
dark, broken windows, the
empty eyes that stare
once aglow with
the bright from within
life and light … and love
made a home
until …
just an ember -
one flame of your kiss -
and it was gutted
burned raw and ruined
with no thought to what filled these rooms
or graced the facades
or warmed the meager marrow …
now all phantoms
howling in the barren halls
sodden and saddened
for sake of the abandoned -
the threadbare -
dilapidated … desolate
welcome to the
vacancy …

your fool.

Copyright © Gregory Richard Barden, May 20, 2023

( photo taken from Gary Cummins, garycphotography )