Despair In Love,Love In Despair
Why do i find solace in my loneliness
But find sorrow with those wit whom i share the same blood
Why do i hide behind these fake smiles of happiness
When this sorrow and unrest washes over my soul like a flood
Its pathetic how i'm laughing on the outside
Laughing at how everyting is all right
While i'm crying and dying on the inside
Not wanting anyone to see my sad sad plight
Why is it that i continuosly distance myself
from those who are or try to get close
I see love as nothing more than a drug
that people are addicted to the point of overdose
I am one who finds solace in despair
in sorrow,in sadness,in darkness
I am one who feels pain in love
I see it as evil like a vulture,instead of pure like a dove
Love can build,but it can also destroy
It takes away everything,all of the joy
Despair may seem like incarnated bitterness
But its there to comfort in the face of loneliness
I find myself wishing for the company of the feeling of melancoly
Its as if i can't function without it
Like a flower without an ounce of water
Could this feeling be,truly be love
I see that in the end,that i find myself in a paradox
A large cell with many locks
Two sides of the same coin
Love and Despair,Despair and Love
Despair in Love,Love in Despair
I can't make it disappear
Don't want to make it disappear