Despite Every Crime, He Is Mine
Sounding like the goosebump tickles,
on the edges of naked breath,
awaiting the solace of prickly feelings
hesitant as the gossamer gentling
each hue of delicate blossoms and blooms,
each bud caressed by the night’s quiet dew…
Glistening like the star falling, glimpsing,
tendrils of trespassing trickles,
nocturnal forbidden, destinies in black
hurrying past the autumn’s wind,
into the music of a silence who bends,
light fading beyond the ridges, hesitating,
on the softest shimmer, melodies
messages from the overflowing brilliance
listening to the colors, the crimson
the secrets of a winter, blessing away
the fears, their relentless melancholy,
urging the darkness from its stillness,
an unholy night – in jet black muteness…
Amazing even the twilight’s piercing fancy,
blazing through the whimsical,
promises on the soul who is sincere,
like an echo, dying on the shadows,
remembering, in its weakness, to grieve
what its heart has forever believed,
the fantasy of a fairytale dream, where there is peace,
promising the dancing fireflies
to arise, on the blazing mysteries…
breathing kindness, like a giggle
stirring the heart, as it trembles,
pounding in the mind, hesitating, chilling
as the snowflakes, in still blue,
awaken the music of a miracle, a truth,
soothing even the worst news,
muzzling the feelings, gentling the believing,
conspiring with yesterday,
to quicken, soft as hazy gray…
remembering the lessons learned,
growing quiet as the light falls from a moon,
alive, glowing with a softness that presumes,
all the glorious joy felt by the soul,
those who remember…
where love confides, deep as music,
potent as a sunrise,…
everlasting muse, abiding in the stars,
the soul… who can see,
beyond the darkest misery,
into the fires of a hope that breathes…
intimacy, concluded by mysteries,
flowing, with purpose,
among the oaks and pines,
on the heavy laurel thickets,
in the feelings who abide,
throughout all time… feeling so alive,
like the wonder of a life,
who will rise – yes, we shall rise…
leaving the past behind,
falling into step with the King of all,
the King who survived…
even the crushing of a cross,
the darkness of a tomb,
the everlasting trembles with faith,
as He bleeds His sweet grace,
all over the most fearful place,
all over, He is the first and the last,
the beginning and the end,
the reason for my love, the answer
to my every hope…
He is the One who I’ll see…
when I let go of this life, and move
into the next… life that will last,
from everlasting to everlasting –
with beautiful that is so magnificent…
it reassures the soul who knows,
He is the way, the truth, the life.
He is the answer to every strife.
He abides on the inside, while He reminds…
He’s the light of the world
and, He is my reason, my hope,
the miracle of peace and love,
the One who came down from above,
to silence the doubts of those who mistrust,
quieting the suspicions of every heart who worries,
reminding the soul that He is forever and always…
the Promise – and because He is life…
we need Him more than even the air we breathe.
We need Him like we need to breathe…
like we need to see past the hurt, into the hope
past the fear into the believing,
past the sin into the forgiveness,
past this life of sorrow, into the next life,
a tomorrow where we will never need to hurt,
a moment when our souls know the wonder…
of a love that lives forever, a love that abides throughout all time,
a love that is yours and mine – yes, this love is yours and mine…
and, I’m so grateful for the One who pardoned my heart,
forgave all my crimes and healed me with a love that shall always be mine!