Destined Silence
Prior to my final Masters Exam, I spent five months
in Uncle's place on study leave and once chanced to meet
my Mr. Perfect and was devastated .
No way , my ardent ardour compelled me
to fall in love :
He was my First Love.
Seeds of love were sown in two souls
to sprout .
Tender sapling of emotive urge started to grow.
Dormant yearnings formed the stem.
Roots of passion pierced the core of heart
in deep dolour.
Romance rippled on shivered nascent leaves.
I never interacted direct to Mr.Perfect
even both standing face to face.
Yet our silent world was magnificent.
Mere exchanges of glance was sufficient to tie
ethereal emotional bond.
Two soft buds in two minds shone in amorous glow.
Dreamy desires danced delight
in wobbling dilemma
thrashing on different shores through swelling urge.
Two surrendered minds being chained in social stigma
are sundered, as none had courage to defy status -quo.
In the last eve of my leave completion ,
we happened to be in a solitary park.
Eagerly I was waiting with full expectation.
He hurried to approach close to me.
I looked straight to his eyes even without blink,
with a feeling that he has overpowered his hesitance.
Eternal Time momentary took pause.
We lost worldly link.
But he couldn't utter a single syllable.
Our love sank in Destined Silence .
I had to be back on next day.