Love Poem: Destiny
Janis Aldred Avatar
Written by: Janis Aldred


From the moments not long after birth,
Our presence is put upon this earth.

From that moment until we die,
Everything has a reason why.

Our path is set before us all,
Whether we stand or maybe fall.

Be them controlled by the skies or the Gods,
We all must face our own worst odds.

But the ones that are born open and strong,
Will endure all the tests that come along.

These lonely souls may sometimes cross paths,
It’s up to their fate, whether they stop or they pass.

But if two souls were destined to be one,
Into each other again they will run.

Until once they meet and they can no longer cease,
The fate that awaits them, complete and pure peace.

For you my dear Louis, my true other half,
I am so grateful this time we didn’t pass.