Love Poem: Destroy
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Written by: Paula Larson


No bitter cove, so atrophy's employ
I wrestle with content, complexion's cloy,
the general indication to destroy
combat with trials ending ~ in convoy!

Ne'er the edge of space that would deploy
my sentiment, accepting this feigned rule
to kill or not be killed, no infant's toy
this registrar of negligence adds the fuel!

The teaming of great men, and women's school
envisioning some justice from restrain,
not only speaking justice, but its tool
to love, or not be loved still erstwhile gain!

And so I love thee thus, in absence pool
eternity's fond grace, a reckoning aim,
all fetish, honored, stolen, made a fool
as in life's challenges excised with claim!

And so I love thee most ~ and so exclaim
this poet's license holding heart's impair,
as only healing from thy hurt as main
I hold my own in righteous truth's own share!

. . . thee asking not my premise, I not strain
my spirit knows thy freeing . . . my aware!