Love Poem: Devil Clocked Angel
Jeff Evans  Avatar
Written by: Jeff Evans

Devil Clocked Angel

Devil Clocked Angel
In the midst of fire and brimstone, stands an angel dressed in white, Her beauty beyond compare as a mask hidding her true self, she leaves nothing to chance. With eyes that sparkle like diamonds, yet cold as ice, She waltzes through life, spreading sweet lies. 
In whispers soft and subtle, she sways their minds, 
Leaving them enthralled, as love and trust intertwined.
A soul trapped in a web of its own making, 
Behind those eyes a darkness dwelling,
A hunger to destroy that witch tries to love her.
No longer able to deceive, she finds herself in precipice of staring into the abyss she created.
The reflection staring back at her reveals the monster she truly is.
Her once pristine wings now tainted with sin, she falls from from grace, 
Plummeting towards certain fate.
She becomes nothing more than a specter haunting the underworld, a reminder of the price of hubris ambitions.