Devil's Wine
I see your tears,and it breaks me apart~I wanna reach across the moon to get inside your heart
I see the scar's he's left and it tears my soul up inside It makes me want to spew ice and throw fire
Down for just him to enjoy in his own forever never~ending~torturing Abyss! It's all fun & games
to him were all his little toys, God reaches one of us there's a million more for him to torture~Torment
and infest. We never learn our lesson's just keep doing each other harm~ Have you ever heard the
term were you raised in a Barn?
Close the Door, wer'e such silly kid's everyone of us~We get hurt keep it in then move on~ push communication
plum to the side.It's like a soda that's been shaken once the lid's off it explodes. If we don't deal with our feelings,
Where the Heck do you think they go?? A gentle hand is what our God really want's us to extend Don't Let the
Devil invade your Soul till you have nowhere else to go. We wonder why our children show up in school toting guns
It's because they're afraid~They are scared Theyre ALONE!
I'm looking into you and I see myself so deep within~Your a Beautiful~Shining~Spirit~Don't let the Devil get his
Muse. He's see's the flicker of a shine and it makes his heart quake and shiver deep inside. He know's his Doom and his Throne is only in place for a short time He want's to taste Now the Best & finest of the Wines. Don't worry sweet child Our
God's promises will eventually come true. We just have to guide, Love ,Teach,Retrain what it means to Truly be Kind.
Love each other Look beyond just.Me~Me~Me! We get so caught up in this world sometimes we just don't know what
to Do!
Love~Love~Love~ That's the Motto I Like to Live by. There for a time I got so lost and confused Then My wonderful god
Gently~Reached out and touched my hand~Said child You've known there's alway's been I that would understand. Now Let me Show you True Love and Let me Gently guide,softly~yet~firmly,reteach,and show you your misguided ways if you'd open your eyes you'd really see there's so much work you could do. Stop rotting your Brain and coming up with
all this Bad~Self tallk and more suffered abuse. Open your eyes Be Authintic~Be Real~Don't be a Pushover~ Remove The bitterness and anger inside your Soul its not yours to keep child I told you to let that GO! But forgive and Know how to Love VERY Well. Walk in the ways you think Jesus would do~Remember all the Torture~ The pain~ Mistrust~and abuse he went through for You.
God has given us Life so Precious and Rare, So many Beautiful things that we just can't explain~Its time that we open up
and try and save this world~That's now my mission in life~I won't stop till I reach my Goal I will be part of God's Soldiers
I have nothing to hide I'm all about Truth So Devil Let's lay it on the line.This girl will be Turning your wines into Fire~The ones that I reach you'll no longer Drink from. So if you see me you better turn the corner & Run! It's Red against Red Let's Fight~Fire with Fire~ God's got many soldiers who'll stand right along beside me if I need them to!With my God no longer am I afraid of YOU!
BY:Christina McCullouch