Devotion Poem Time
Devotion Poem Time
(in the Series for Jim)
We have been blessed
To make a thick book
Of calendar pages —
A long past to now —
With our passports
Stamped across the continent
Of Unexpected;
Kept bravely on joint
Climbs over the peaks
Of the long mountainous
Range of Difficulties;
And been deeply affected
By the wondrous observations
We’ve shared on our voyages
Over the Smiling Sea.
During this life together,
We have encountered the Furies;
Filibustered the Fates;
Entertained Muses;
Tried to help some with greater needs;
Shared trials, love and feasts
With family, as well as
Holidays alone with each other; and
Across all the years held in
Our hearts our cats and pups.
We have followed the rule
Of forgiving seventy-times-seven;
Believed Love is God-given;
Had occasions to carry each other
Across heavy traffic on the highways
Of hard Otherwheres — massive Unknowns;
And we were often pelted with questions
Pouring on us like a sudden rain
That only faith could answer.
But I doubt either of us
Has ever wondered
If our love would last.
For silence can still hold
A conversation between our thoughts;
Anticipation still lies
in our meeting after being apart;
And our hearts touch
Through any distance
In a testimony to the promise
Exchanged in our first
Sight of each other.
(c) sally young eslinger 2//17/22
Thanks be to God…….