Lover: You make me cry
To see you fall
To say goodbye
To hear your call
Woman, you bring me to my knees
And kiss my cares up to the breeze
You are the one I long to please'
And give you such a world of ease
I think you hear me (such a tease!)
Mary: I'm always here
I always know
You're forever near
You steal the show
And on this breeze our love doth grow
And renews itself as the candle blows
And my gardens go
All in a row
It is because
I love you so
Lover (John)
You are for me
Sweet fantasy
And yet you move
Familiar groove
I am the dark; I am the night
You are the dawn; you are pure light
You are to me
A most holy sight
My love you know
I'd never slight
You are t