I know me
I’ve known me for a while now
I know what I’ve done
I’m not proud of me
I’m not proud of the things I’ve done
I’m not proud of the life I’ve lived
I’m not proud of the person I’ve become
I’m not so nice
I’ve done very ugly things
I’m not worthy to stand before you
You should hear what they say about me
The nasty names they call me
The way they treat me
I’m a sinner!
You don’t want someone like me
No one wants someone like me
I’m better off in the shadows of my past
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you
Before you were born I set you apart
I have loved you with an everlasting love
Turn back to me with your whole heart
I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions for my own sake
And remembers your sins no more
Forget the former things
Do not dwell on the past
See, I am doing a new thing!
I will build you up again
I have called you by your name
You are mine
You have been honored
And I have loved you
Therefore I will give men for you
And people for your life
Fear not, for I am with you
All the words in the second verse are words from The Bible
Inspired By the Holy Spirit
Written By Sylvia Chika
© SylviaChika 2016