Diamonds Forever My Love In This World
Diamonds forever sparkle deeply as a treasured jewel
Dawning and revealing pure in a fresh breath of light
Shining on warm gentle bonds inside one’s very heart
Tears just beating drums with sounds splashing gently
Young and beautiful as with a coldness of clouds above
Golden shattering silver reflections in a most azure sky
Falling rain inside believing in a dream of pure redemption
Sadness looms heavy in a kingdom of one-eyed dwarfs
Who live daily without hope, love, and surcease of sorrow
Water falls down over a fountain of divine beauty in a land
Of magical fairies imbued with supernatural powers of good
Bringing healing to those afflicted and ignored by humans
Everlasting happiness inside beauty cries joy and happiness
For joy will skip in every single beat of a person’s heart and
Happiness abounds with naked electric and alchemic powers
And not to have love is completely devastating to one’s soul
For without it men and women are robbed of happiness and
Miss the rapture and joy coming from shared emotions pure
Beauty and ugliness, hope and despair, joy and sadness
Pervade the human endeavor in pairs of obvious dichotomy
Reflecting warm and cold winds of continuous contradiction
Dreams My Love are a way to play on the better nature of
Our human psyche as we all seek to find calmer waterfalls
With magical properties and reflections to make us all one
Diamonds Forever My Love brings smiles and fulfillment in this
World and in our personal world too with each of us struggling
For meaning, love, hope, desire, and happiness here on Earth
A new tomorrow rises from the ashes of the Phoenix as it again
Takes its flight high in the sky making our imaginations soar in
Finding those warm gentle bonds inside our hearts making us one
Gary Bateman and Liam McDaid – A Collaborated Poem,
Copyright © All Rights Reserved (December 30, 2014)
(Unrhymed Tercet)