Love Poem: Diana's Dilemma
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Written by: Brian Johnston

Diana's Dilemma

Who thinks wealth's the gold standard? Prosperity rules? 
Can you own a ‘Hope Diamond, ' or are we its fools? 
Do best genes come from parents, high fashion's jeans art, 
(Might the love we show others more set us apart)? 

Does the power we garnish, or privilege perceived
By the world that surrounds us suggest we're deceived? 
Dare we dream it's our merit? Is virtue more spin
That our egos award us? What truth can I win

That won't shine found by others, still, star in star's space? 
Aren't our goals self-promotion that friends might show grace
Though in time, their flame stutters, smoke dies with their light? 
Are we bloodstains in crashed cars, or stars in God's sight? 

Let me burn for God's purpose, with grace scent the air, 
Be refreshment for strangers who thirst for rhyme's share! 

Brian Johnston
27th of November in 2019