Love Poem: dichotomy -

dichotomy -

yeah, right ...
do you really think I believe that?
that I'll swallow that pill?
look at the damn lines on this brow ...
do you think they were etched
by happenstance??
not even CLOSE, sweetheart
I earned those ragged rivulets one-by-one
and somewhere along the way
I learned, (quite painfully, mind), to not
believe every "I love you" that
dances on the breeze
especially from such purely
poisonous and perfectly pretty bows
such as yours ...

    oh, lips like thine, so pressed to mine
    with tender, troubled breath
    were made to thrill while softly killing
    sweet truths brought to death

you wield those
fleshy fruits with sublime sensual
exactitude and care ...
THAT'S the problem -
the sticky wicket, so-to-speak -
one quick glance at your luscious
chili pepper lips, and all my
sensible cognitive considerations are
made jelly with my knees -
your evil absinthian
eyes twinkling teasingly
with that "now I've got the poor,
addled sap" look of
categorical canine control ...
oh, how you delight in yanking that
sound ethereal leash -
and how I despise that control ...

    I beg, sweet miss, thine pitied kiss
    to slay this furrowed frown
    yet do not close your eyes, transposing
    where I've wished to drown

I mean ... dayum, girl
do I have "Cyrano" tattooed
on my forehead??
are there little bells on my shoes and
a jester's cap on this haggard
head that I'm unaware of??
I'm experienced, baby, in the ways of
love AND life, and I'm not
about to let some little diva princess wave
her hand at me, while I drool and
pant and wag my docked
frenchie tail in the
eventide enchantment ...
no-freaking-way, babe, I'm just
a tad-bit more cerebral than THAT, ok?!?
and for gawd sake, stop wriggling those
pretty pink toenails in
my direction ...

    oh, your every joint and compass point
    was wrought to scorch with fires
    men's strongest mettle, your coquette
    will change thru strange desires

aww, jeez ...
you said it AGAIN!
are you not listening, sweetheart?!?
did I not make my perspective
clear when it comes to this "love" thing??
they're just wasted WORDS, ok?
in one "no longer in style" pierced ear and
out the other, fast as that, snap!
I've watched you do
this to others, you forget ...
watched your silly little soldiers melt to
magma with the self-control of
Capuchin monkeys on meth, all for the sake
of those three little fabrications ...
I am NOT one of their ranks
and words are just words -
half of which are pure arsenic when
dripping from YOUR deadly kisser -
(your absolutely perfect, plump, passionate
pulchritudinous kisser)
not that those diabolical dimple-joiners
mean ANYthing to me ...
or those treacherous (heavenly) curves that
you're always tossing
in my direction ...

    with flourished flips you sway your hips -
    such arcs get sparks a-burning
    my power's gone through such a con-
    flagration of deep yearning

so, to sum it up?
I'm outa here, babe, for real ...
no second or third chances this time
and that phrase will do you
NO good, alright??
I've had it with the games and the
fits and the making up ...
(oh, such hot, honey-sweet making up ...
is there anything as delightful ...
as joyous or juicy?)
I MEAN it - I am DONE ... that ship has
sailed and I'm the commander!
don't even THINK about turning on the
tears, cuz it will NOT work!
I'm dead ser- ... awwww, come on ...
don't do that, that's not remotely fair!
PLEASE don't cry ... it's not
gonna work this time! it's just not gonna ...
oh, sweetheart, come ON ...
there's no need for that -
you're going to stain your new Dolce &
Gabbana blouse with mascara ...
don't, ok? just don't ...
and don't say that again, that
phrase that I -
awwww, you said it AGAIN!
please stop, please?!?
you know what that does to me ...
come on, hon, stop -
you're killing me, do you know that?
killing me ... I'm cooked ...
stick a four-tined in me, cuz I'm done ...
oh, babe ... come here
right HERE ...
I love you, too ...

    oh naught can hide the dearest pride
    that comes before a fall
    but pride, you see, made you make me ...
    the grandest fool ... of all.