Love Poem: Did Cupid Get It Wrong
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Written by: Amanda Kinzer

Did Cupid Get It Wrong

Did Cupid get it wrong with his arrow when he took a shot at me? Could he see that I was a saddened girl dreaming of someone to love me?
Was he up there just sitting upon his cloud, looking down, and seeing me, or could he hear my cries that I no longer wished to be lonely?
He claims that he is the God of desire all about passionate love, but I guess the joke was on me when he shot you too with his arrow from up above
He speaks of the erotic passion of love, affection, attraction, and desire, and all of these things we did have between us back then no one could put out our fire

They say he is the son of Venus the most beautiful goddess of all, so you would think he knew more about love then he apparently did, at least that is my call
Some people call him Amor, another name for love, and I thought that is what he placed us in but apparently mine wasn’t enough
Some say he looks like a Cherub with a face so sweet, and I trusted in him when he brought you to me
But what Cupid brought to me was no God, no lover to take away the sadness I carried within, he brought to me a demon with wings but not the kind that were placed upon him 

Cupid’s bow and arrow are a source of power, but he doesn’t wield it very well, because he sent me the uttermost darkness that resides in the flames of Hell
Cupid’s arrow cursed me when I looked upon your face, I couldn’t see the devil only the angel disguised in his place
You controlled me with your desire for me as I for you, but now looking back I believe it was the poison of the arrow that hid our bitter truths
Cupid likes to claim that “Love Conquers All” well he needs to come down off of his cloud and tell me that I’m wrong

Love in my case doesn’t conquer anything, not when you’re up against the devil himself because the devil he plays to cheat
Cupid is winged because as they say lovers are flighty, I know that devils are, they are just cleverer about hiding those wings when they come making their call
They say Cupid is boyish because love is irrational but then again men they are too, and devils well they’re the worst of all wrapped up in beauty while they defile you
So, Cupid you can have your arrow back and I can tell you where it should go, next time instead of hitting the devil in the heart with it please aim just a little more low.