Did God Create You Just For Me?
In a self-centered way
I have to think God was thinking of me
when he created you.
Today's the day you were born
(three days after me) .
I think of us
newborn babies in the hospital
at the same time.
Same small town
just different hospitals...
neighbors right from birth.
Right from the beginning
our lives were aligning.
We were parallel
yet we never looked to the side
to see the other...
until we were teenagers.
Then, just like the day we were born,
we were neighbors again.
Our lives were once again aligning.
I'm glad we looked to the side
and found eachother.
Today I celebrate you being born
and also
us finding eachother.
Happy Birthday Todd.
I look forward to sharing many more
''birthday weeks'' with you,
as we have since the week we were born.