Did He Speak To You Pt. 4
Did reality ever set in?
Did it force itself onto you because you ignored it?
Did it silence you? Did you lose your voice?
Did you listen more?
Did you see things the way they really are?
Was it a surprise?
Were you angered by what you found?
Did you need to rethink your approach?
DId you enter fantasty for too long?
Did you forget about what matters most?
Did you take love for granted?
Did you replace your love for someone with something else?
Did you let selfishness engulf you?
Did you try to tame it, but it kept reoccurring?
Did you ask others to solve your problems?
What did you learn in the process?
Did you look for God?
Did you look for God?
Did you turn around?
Did you change?
Did you give it all up?
And let it go
And let it go