Love Poem: Did the Lord Build Your House
Jim Pemberton Avatar
Written by: Jim Pemberton

Did the Lord Build Your House

This house of ours is “plain.” 
But is still standing.
We’re “simple folks...”
 By many people’s  understanding… 

We may not have much of what is 
“socially appealing”…
But we have love in our hearts.  
And this is a good feeling! 

We may not be “wrapped up” in much
 of this world’s entertainment.
But we seek God’s peace 
and a desire for contentment.

We, as a family, have one purpose
 and “calling” in mind.
To seek God’s ways of being
 merciful and kind…

Each day we pray with much
 thankfulness in our hearts…
For this is where happiness
 and gratitude starts! 

We’re thankful to the Lord for
 his unfailing grace…
And for keeping us together
 in this special place…

We’re blessed to have a God who
 is truly worth finding.
His word in our lives is precious
and worth memorizing! 

“Unless the Lord builds the house,
 they labor in vain that build it!”
God must rule and reign…  
 So his love can completely fill it!


By Jim Pemberton   