Differences That Matter Most
What if the difference,
or a more significant difference,
a profound past of Tipping Point reference,
between nondual Left-Right bicameral consciousness
and more dualistic philosophies
and religious theologies
Is ZeroPrime rooted
more in listening to outdoor acclimators
more than indoor would-be-transformative,
retributive punishing
WinLose competition voices.
What if outdoor voices
of nature-spirit nondualists,
like predative hawks
and cooing soothing doves,
trickling streams
and surfing oceans,
billowing firestorms
and roaring hurricanes
and ominously silent overwhelming tsunamis,
seizures inside as sacred Earthquakes
rumbling and rolling identity creolizations ourselves
If spring fresh breezes for planting
and pungent fall winds for harvesting delight
could speak more resiliently and resonantly
and maybe even loudly
in capital cities,
urban, potentially urbane,
nutritriously landscaped environments,
and not only
more marginally rural
enculturing voices for organic farming
and renewable PositivEnergy cooperatives,
and fire-circle matriotic story-tellers
and networks of teaming exterior permacultural designers
restoring healthier wealthier ecopolitics
to inside outside environmental voices.
What if urban overcrowded inside
sleep deprived
over human populated
under humane valued
healthy body natures
with wealthy mind acclimating inside/outside spirits
Knew vague WinWin creolizing hopes
for polyculturally inclusive
resiliently and resonantly sustainable outcomes?
And were voices Left and Right double-bound
re-acclimating our deep sacred ecology identities (Bateson),
creolizing our nature-spirit nondual economies
and political empowerments/disempowerments (J.A. Gordon)
transubstantiating our LeftEgo and RightEco
co-redemptive process theologies,
transforming our resilient resonant WinWin Game voices
to sing and dance with all Earth's choices,
sometimes stressed by pathological climate trends,
TippingPoint wu-wei thresholds
between and among acclimating co-systems
of identity
transforming overcrowded inside punishing voices
outside inviting nature-spirit nondual
deeply restorative listening.
Learning sacred TippingPoint ecology
relearning spiritually-naturally acclimating
cooperative eco-multicultural theology.
Retributive climate pathology
praying for restorative therapeutic
spiritual-natural peace.
Holy dawn of each multicoloring sacred day
merely more mundane secular daylight
from inside our windowed defensive habitats,
looking longingly out
remembering innocent childhoods
when outdoor dawns
felt like our own right-aged
cooperative voices
and promising scents
inviting emerging polyhued resonant space
as right-now time
in One ZeroZone
of Innocent BiLateral Bliss.